О нас
Founded in 1990. License number: 002.
State accreditation number: 006.
Founder: R. Z. Khachatryan
Rector: R. Z. Khachatryan., doctor of philosophy science professor, senior lecturer.

The University lecturess' staff includes 2 academicians, 5 professors, and 35 senior lecturers.
Ways of education - daytime and distant.
The graduates are awarded a graduation diploma, which is a state-authorized document asserting the higher education completion for state agencies.

Specialities: law (5 years, bachelor), finances and credit (6 years, specialist with diploma).
Computer and translation courses are beeng conducted at the university, the graduates of wich are provided with certificate.

About university
The University function for ten years. The 60 % of alumni work by their professions.
The University possesses library and reading hall, computer cabinet, lingaphone study-room, biological, physical and other laboratories, XEROX copy system.
The auditoriums are provided with internal radio link and an access to the Internet.
A sport hall with international standards, medical cabinet, lunchroom are also function at the University.
People with higher education enter the University as well for further education.

A base school-college is functions in the university with 4 specialities:
1. Humanitarian
2. Economical
3. Physical and mathematical
4. Biological

Specialised classes with thorough language study as Russian and English. The tuition fee is 6000 drams per month. The education at the school-college is appropriate to the high school complete program.

Practice work is organized in the all hospitals, pharmacies, and maternity homes of RA.
Base school-college function next to the University. Russian and foreign languages are teaching at the Armenian flow of the college.

The University licence includes:
1. Higher education,
2. Secondary specialized education,
3. Further education (theatrical and sport clubs),
4. Compulsory education (Secondary Education).

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Practice work is organized in the all hospitals, pharmacies, and maternity homes of RA.
Base school-college function next to the University. Russian and foreign languages are teaching at the Armenian flow of the college.

The University licence includes:
1. Higher education,
2. Secondary specialized education,
3. Further education (theatrical and sport clubs),
4. Compulsory education (Secondary Education).

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