About us
Yerevan State College of Humanities was founded in 1881.
Yerevan Chemical Technology Technical College was founded in 1937 by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 487. On September 25, 1989, the Yerevan Chemical Technology Technical College was renamed the Polytechnic Technical College. By order No. 21-04/5 of February 2, 2000, it was renamed Yerevan State Technological College, and in 2002 by order No. 969-M of February 23, "Yerevan State Technological College" state non-commercial organization.
Director: Kristine Gagik Abrahamyan.

The college is taught by top professionals
Form of education - stationary
College graduates are awarded an RA state diploma

The college, within the framework of its business plan, has done a huge amount of work both in terms of content and material-technical base development.

The college cooperates with the following employers and international institutions
1. Nairit Factory - CJSC
2. Eco Prof - LLC
3. Karardshin Trest Company
4. Reveg LLC
5. RA Dental Technical Association
6. IE "Gayane Sargsyan"
7. RA National Consumer Protection Association
8. RA state and non-state universities
9. Kazan State University
10. Swedish Nunos Organization.

The college helps the best graduates get jobs.

- competition for state-ordered places with only entrance exams,
- admission to paid places will be done by the school graduation certificate results competition. an applicant with an honors certificate has the privilege,
- applicants who failed university entrance exams and were left out of the competition can apply from August 12-31.

College students complete their internships at the most prestigious institutions in the field.
The needy are provided with a hostel.
Admission to all majors will be made with nine or twelve years of education.

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