About us
Founded in 1921. In compliance with License K-XX-000005 issued by the Health Ministry of RA, the College provides secondary specialized medical education. Status: State, non- commercial organization
Director: President of the specialized
secondary medical educational
foundations directors board
to the RA Ministry of Health:

Mkrtich Emil Mkrtchian, candidate of medical sciences
tel.: 56-31-41
fax: 52-58-08
The education way is internal
The graduates get state diploma of Republic of Armenia.
Previleges and reduction in tuition fee are defined for outstanding and excellent studying students, as well as for children whose parents are considered fallen in action and students deprived of parential care at the amount of 50%.
More than 70,000 students have graduated from Yerevan State Base Medical College and work in the health care systems in Armenia and abroad.
Scholarship is provided to state order students on common base.

Immediately after getting their diplomas, the graduates of the college acquire the right to work both in state and foreign medical centres.

The Yerevan State Base Medical College is one of the oldest secondary specialized educational institutions in Armenia. Founded in 1921 as an obstetrics school within the structure of Yerevan's First Maternity Home, it was then reformed into a medical college. During 88 years of its existence, the college became a sound establishment for preparing specialists with secondary specialized medical education, serving the entire Republic. Basing on this institution, specialized medical schools were formed in various regions of Armenia. Thus, in 1938 the medical school of Leninakan (now - Gyumri) was opened; in 1959 - in Kapan; in 1961 - in Dilijan; in 1970 - in Kirovakan (now - Vanadzor); in 1977 - the Second medical school in Yerevan, now renamed into "Erebouni" Medical College; within 1994 - 2002 the branches of the base medical college were opened in the towns of Ararat, Hrazdan, Armavir, Martuni, as well as a branch of the Dilijan medical college was opened in Gavar town. All this branches becomes separate colleges.

Starting from 1978, the Yerevan Medical School, recognized as a leading educational institution preparing qualified medical personnel of the middle level, has been in the status of a base medical college. It continues to coordinate the curricular and methodological activities of all the state-owned medical schools and their branches functioning in the Republic.

Within the Yerevan State Base Medical College a Board of Directors of the RoA Health Ministry state medical colleges functions, chaired by M. E. Mkrtchyan, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Research, summarization and dissemination of the advanced forms and methods of the educational process organization in the state medical schools of the Republic are carried out through the methodology unit of the Base Medical College and its Methodological Council.

Since 1996 at the Base Medical College the reformation of the secondary medical specialized education was initiated on the basis of the WHO strategy "World Health in the XXI Century." The preparation of the middle-level medical specialists of a new type required to undertake a fundamental reformation of the basic education system. In accordance with the international standards applied to the knowledge and skills of school graduates the existing educational criteria were revised and new standards and educational programs were developed, which regard the primary medical and sanitary aid to population as a cornerstone of the educational process and which develop in future specialists a new mentality and approaches towards solution of their professional tasks, as well as give them wider professional capabilities.
Yerevan State Base Medical College accepts applicants for studying the following specialties:
1. 0406 - NURSING
Qualification: Medical Nurse.
The educational process is organized in compliance with the national educational standard, based on the full secondary or basic common education.
Form of study: regular attendance learning.
Duration of the course: 3 years on the basis of the full secondary education and 4 years on the basis on the basis of the basic public education.
The specialist's scope of work is directed towards providing medical aid to individuals, families, populations groups in maintenance, protection and rehabilitation of health.
Activity sphere: public health care and social security institutions.

2. 0402 - OBSTETRICS
Qualification: Midwife.
The educational process is organized in compliance with the National Educational Standard, based on the full secondary or basic common education.
Form of study: regular attendance learning.
Duration of the course: 3 years on the basis of the full secondary education and 4 years on the basis on the basis of the basic public education.
The specialist's scope of work is directed towards maintenance and protection of woman's health, her reproductive functions, and family planning issues.
Activity sphere: public health care and social security institutions.

Qualification: Dental Mechanic.
The educational process is organized in compliance with the National Educational Standard, based on the full secondary or basic common education.
Form of study: regular attendance learning.
Duration of the course: 2 years on the basis of the full secondary education and 3 years on the basis on the basis of the basic public education.
The specialist's scope of work is directed towards providing orthopedic, dentistry aid to the population that consists of dental mechanics production, organization of the orthopedic treatment of dental diseases, restoration of the functions of the maxillary and dental organs.

4. 0405 - PHARMACY
Qualification: Pharmacologist
The educational process is organized in compliance with the National Educational Standard, based on the full secondary or basic common education.
Form of study: regular attendance learning.
Duration of the course: 2 years on the basis of the full secondary education and 3 years on the basis on the basis of the basic public education.
The pharmacologist's professional activity is directed towards organization and provision of the population with medications, ensuring of the medications storage process, production, quality control and their distribution among the population and medical treatment or preventive institutions.

5. Additional education (specialization) in Family Medical Nurse
specialty at the "Family Medical Nurse" chair

The educational process is organized within the PMA (Primary Medical Aid) program funded by the World Bank.
Form of study: regular attendance learning.

Duration of the course: 6 months on the basis of the common education.
Graduates of all the departments in the College that have completed the full course of the basic educational disciplines and successfully passed the state final attestation examinations, are awarded state model diplomas entitling them to be involved in relevant professional activities.

Students that have specialized at the "Family Medical Nurse" chair of the College are also given a certificate of a set form.

The college is base and is considered an educational-methodological centre for the RA specialized secondary medical educational foundations.

Clinical practice is organized in the Yerevan and the Republic medical- prophylactic centers such as polyclinics, hospitals, medical-scientific centers, maternity homes, as well as central hospitals, drugstores and stomatologic centres in all the marzes. The educational process is implemented according to international standards and programs. The college cooperates with the medical-scientific centers of the RF Ministry of Health, NKR, "Hovsent" medical college in Belgium, Turnaut. The college is included in "Family nursing qualification", social reformations, NOVA, "Jinishian" foundation and USAID programs implemented in Armenia.

In the course of studies mutual visits of students and lecturers are arranged with the aim of experience exchange and qualification.

Methodological assistance is provided by Norway, Thromson, and specialists from Scotland, Edinburgh. The tutors delivered lectures on the basis of several international programs.

Reformations in Nursing Education
The conception of Health system lies reformations in the base of nursing education:
- maintenance of Health
- decease prophylaxis
- decease cure, complex care, pain relief
- recovery of physical condition

"Family nursing" chamber functions in the college as an additional form of education.
The organization and functioning of the chamber is sponsored by World Bank program "Primary Maintenance of Health".

"Nursing" monthly is issued in the college.
Education and science in the College
The technical and inventory base of the medical college meets the modern requirements. The specialized classrooms and laboratories are well equipped and furnished. Among the specialized classrooms there are computer halls with newest hardware, which allows to widely incorporate computer technologies in all the spheres of the educational process. The College is provided with modern computerized audio-video equipments, it has pre-clinics study-rooms and labs equipped in compliance with the requirements set forth in the National Educational Standard. The best medical treatment and preventive institutions of Yerevan and the Republic serve as clinical bases for practical trainings. The learning process here is led by the College professors in close cooperation with leading clinical specialists and experienced medical staff members. The teaching staff of the College comprises more than 300 members, 20 of whom have the degree of a Candidate of Sciences. There are also professors at the College with a medical nurse qualification. More than 3000 students get educated at the College every year. Its graduates then become part of the elite middle-level medical specialists of the Republic. Many of them are currently carrying out their high-level professional activities in the neighboring states and in many countries of Asia, Europe, America and CIS.

In order to further improve the educational and training activities and achieve unification of the methodological documentation, chairs for humanities, general medicine and clinical disciplines are functioning at the College. The main contents of the activities led by the chairs is related to improvement of the teaching staff qualification; elaboration of relevant events geared at methodological organization of the educational process, introduction of contemporary active methods of learning, teaching in small groups, problem solving skills, business games, development of creative, research-oriented activities of students (course paper, interest group work, conferences on scientific and practical issues.)

In the course of the recent years the College chairs guided by the Methodological Unit have published numerous manuals, tutorial and methodological guidelines, recommendations for organizing practical classes for students; methodology elaborations have been produced, tests and situational tasks have been developed for improving the students' practical skills and abilities; questionnaires for checking the quality of learning have also been created.

The practical training of our students is organized in the clinics of Yerevan City and the Republic, many of which act as Chairs of the Yerevan State Medical University and National Health Care Institute. Here exchange programs are implemented to share the experience in teaching clinical disciplines, in contemporary methods of observation, treatment, complex care of patients and their rehabilitation.

Student Community
At the College a Students' Council functions. The main objectives of the Council are: organization of the students' activities and of student life self-governance, improvement of the quality of learning, as well as of the political, ideological, moral and sports level of the students. The Students' Council takes part in the College management.

Jointly with the methodological unit yearly scientific and practical conferences are organized for students in compliance with the need for reforms in nursing, roundtables, various competitions, sessions of topical interest groups, where the students deliver reports, and defend their course papers. Thematic games, topical contests, various quiz sessions are frequently organized.

Charitable events are regularly organized at the elderly hospices and orphanages.

Much attention is paid at the College to the physical training of our students. Their sports abilities are developed in special sport sections. Our students take leading places in yearly sports events organized in the Republic. Among our students we have 9 Masters of Sports in various types and 12 members of the RA national volleyball team. The women's volleyball team of the College is a tenfold champion and a tenfold cup winner. During the First Pan-Armenian Games 8 students of the College won the title of champions in volleyball. At the Second Pan-Armenian Games 10 Armenian students included in the national team of Yerevan City won the title of volleyball champions.

In the College a choir named "Tatev" is organized, led by V. Navasardyan, that participated very successfully at the All-Armenian Best Song Competition "Sayat-Nova 2001" and was awarded the honorary 1,2,3 places.

The Students Council of the College actively participates in all republican youth and students events.

Close links have been established with the students' organizations throughout the Republic. Bilateral relationship development perspectives have been identified for cooperating with the students' organizations of the Russian Federation and Belgium.

It should be specifically mentioned that the College management headed by M. Mkrtchyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, greatly assists the Students Council which makes it possible for the Council to avail of the most valuable financial and moral support.

The Yerevan Medical College collaborates with the scientific and methodological center of the Russian Federation's Ministry of Health for issues related to development and revision of educational standards, curricula and educational programs. The management and professors of the College have participated in the work of the Moscow Conference on Nursing, in the Nursing Management seminars held in Tartu, Estonia, in Tarnaut, Belgium, in Stockholm, Sweden, in St. Petersburg and in Kyrgyzstan. Currently further cooperation projects are being developed.

We are well ready to develop partnering relationships with the relevant institutions active both in the region and worldwide.

As of today the book stock in the library makes 75529 copies. The library has a reading hall which corresponds to the modern standards, equipped with a newest computer and Internet access. The College professors for the first time in Armenia have developed and published above 40 tutorials for students of secondary medical specialized institutions and practicing health care personnel.

In the year 1999, due to the efforts taken by the Base College the monthly publication of the "Nursing" newsletter was launched (editor-in-chief - Hamlet Melikyan). In this newsletter the present issues related to the middle-level medical staff are discussed, and updated health care information is provided, too. The newsletter familiarizes its readers with the rights and responsibilities of the medical staff, and tells about the activities of the College's personnel and students.

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