About us
Founded in 1990.State unlimited license number: N 5, N 78, N 014
State accreditation number:073, 051.
Founders: Z.Sargsyan, G.Grigoryan, A.Eghoyan, G.Sargsyan.
Director of organizational board: Z. V. Sargsyan.

Rector: Z. V. Sargsyan.
Ways of education: daytime and distant.
The graduates are awarded a graduation diploma, which is a state-authorized document asserting the higher education completion for state agencies.

The University has student board, student scientific board, clubs of recitation, singing, drawing and national arts.
The University was founded in 1990. Graduates successfully work in the sphere of national economy in Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, USA, etc.
The University possesses library, computer rooms, and language laboratories. University building located near rope-way, answers modern standards.
Students with absolute excellent progress at graduate exams will be awarded "Mesrop Mashtots" memorial medal (with a gratuity) together with honorars diploma.
The University invites for studying all those who wish to participate in the patriotic activity for such as rapid growth of the country and education of young generation.

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